The Future Footprints program supports Indigenous male and female students from remote regions in Western Australia attending boarding schools in Perth. Vivid Media Perth, was invited to bring its Mirror Me Photo Booth along to the event, with 300 guest from years 8 – 12. The Theme was a 60’s theme based on the 1967 Australia Referendum, when aboriginal gain the rights to vote and be counted as Australian Citizens and not just as flora and fauna
To help educated the children at the event, Vivid Media together with Future Footprints created a number of custom animations that appeared on the mirror to prompt the children to learn a bit about the history of the 1967 Referendum as well as write a special message on what can they do to advance Australia in the next 50 years.
It was nice to see that many of the children were quite surprise by some of the information they read on the Mirror and wrote some beautiful responses such as “Equality, Cultural Change, More teaching of aboriginal history in schools and more”.
I think this event showed the power of Future Footprints efforts in our schools and Vivid Media was proud to be a part of this.